Thursday, February 26, 2009


Do any of you remember the SandMan? My parents used to have this picture of this mythical man who would sprinkle sand into a child's eyes to help them fall asleep.

Well the SandMan must have visited Max last night. He slept from 7:30 pm to 6:30 am this morning! I was amazed! He sleep all night... which gave me some incredible, much needed shut eye.

My husband used to tease me because before Max came into our lives...I would get so giddy to go to bed every night. I just loved to sleep, sounds like someone else in our family... uuummm Big Daddy...

Now that we have a 4 month year old son, I truly cherish any and all sleep that I do get.

Did you know that adults require on average 8 - 8.5 hours of sleep every night. Before Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, people slept around 10 hours at night.

Here's to more sleep for all of us....!!! To All a GOOD NIGHT!
PS. This is a lovely picture from over Christmas break of Max & I sleeping. You caught us didn't you!


  1. Congrats on the can be fun and informative. Looking forward to reading it. Be blessed!

  2. What a beautiful family!! Miss you! S.
