Monday, March 2, 2009

"Let's Talk About PETS Baby...."

Let's talk about PeTs!

Why do we love our beloved animals sooo much? Above you'll see our little "stinker"...and believe me he does have some smelly farts... his name is Rocky. Rocky will be 3 years old in July.

I love Rocky because:

  • He's very cute, soft & has very fluffy fur.

  • He's very playful and likes to wrestle on the ground.

  • He runs back and forth really fast right before he poops.

  • His personality is much larger than his size... he likes to paw at pit bulls and dogs much bigger than himself.

  • He fetches the newspaper.

  • He's very protective and cries when Max cries to try to tell us to do something.

  • He grows at me when I kick him out of our bed at night.

  • He has more toys than any dog I know: his fav's are his tennis ball, snowman, his birdie and his rawhide stick.

Anyway.. I love pets! If I didn't have to work a real job... my dream would be to work for ASPCA (that stands for American Society of Preventing Cruetly of Animals... haven't you ever seen their commercial with Sarah McLachlan singing.."In the Arms of an Angel" makes me cry everytime!

Tell me what you love about your pet!???

Also...featured today is my brother Joe's new adorable Yorkie, named Chloe.

1 comment:

  1. I am actually the luckiest because I have two fabulous friends that are close to my heart.Oodles and Mandy. They are there when I need them to remind me of the "light side" of my life. They always bring to me a presence of unconditional love when I'm with them. They transcend me from the depths of discouragement to the height of comfort and joy for that moment in time.I can only say that when we gaze into each others eyes we know without speaking God has blessed us both to be together this short time on earth.
